What Your Dentist Needs to Know About You

October 4, 2019

As you walk into your dentist’s office, remember to be honest and communicate your medical and dental history or concerns. The more your dentist knows about you, the better they can help treat you. Your dentist needs to know about your health and other situations so your dental procedures can be adjusted if need be.

So, what types of things does your dentist need to know about you?


Are you pregnant? Tell your dentist so he/she can adjust the treatments to avoid any harm to you or your baby. Some adjustments required may be the levels of anesthetic you receive. Your dentist will provide you with a lead apron and thyroid guard during x-rays and avoid scans during your first trimester. Your braces may need adjusting as your facial structure might change shape during pregnancy.

Pregnancy changes your hormones and opens you to a higher risk for bleeding gums, and periodontitis. Make a note of your dental changes so you can inform your dentist of what is going on in your mouth. Attending the dentist regularly during pregnancy is crucial to keeping you and your baby safe.

Blood Clotting

You could need dental procedures that might cause bleeding. This is completely normal but your dentist wants to make sure your blood will clot normally to avoid any issues. When asked if you are currently on any medications, inform your dentist about prescription medications as well as the supplements you are taking since some medicines will affect the way your blood clots. Anything that could affect your ability to heal should be revealed to the dentist before beginning any treatment.

If you have issues with blood clotting, you can still get a dental procedure but might need prescription blood thinners to perform the job. Consult with your doctor and ask your dentist what the best solution is; they will know.


Do you have a disease? Before the dentist works on your teeth, you will be asked to fill out a medical history form which is kept confidential. This form helps your dentist prepare for your treatments with alterations if necessary. If anything in your medical history changes, be sure to inform your dentist. Why? A disease such as diabetes can have dental implications by increasing your risk of gum disease.

If you are at high risk for certain dental issues, it is best to come to the dentist more often than the regularly suggested twice a year. Your dentist can monitor changes in your oral cavity. Take the time to tell the dentist all about you so you can relax in the dental chair. At Cambrian Dental, our dentists focus on making you feel comfortable no matter what your situation is.

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